EDIT: unbanned now.
EDIT2: By the way, is cool
EDIT3: Holy shit, silver whistle! Woohoo!
EDIT4 [NEW]: Huh...My whistle level dropped
Remember the day when there were no mods online for about an hour? The day a week ago? Yeah. Well during that timing I made about three spam topics, and about 60 spam posts (Most of them were with the word nig**r in it)
password -diazepam
/* */
...Jimmy's eyes. It's as though he gazes into your soul, reading your every sin. Yet, he isn't judging you. These eyes of demise do not judge, for you feel no shame or regret. His stare still scares you, as if it is there to tell you something. A commodity you may already know of. Yes, something you may be obligated to do. This cannibalistic gaze is corrupting your sanity, desecrating it with incongruous thoughts, repeating the same word you've known for as long you were alive - Donate. That's the '''only''' way to absolve yourself from that vicious scowl. That is the only way to eradicate those revolting chains that have locked your own mind.
Yay! You're free!
Yeah...well, I'll be a BBS slave after a week or so (crap!).
Thanks for commenting